The Writings of Ingrid Pitt

A Collection of Writings

Ingrid Pitt on World War 2

World War 2 stories and reflections.
Ingrid Pitt Ready For Action

Ingrid Ready For Action

The Home Front
How Potato Pete and Bletchley Park helped save the world.

Oradour Sur Glane
There were so many 'crimes of the century' committed in the 20th Century that it is hard to point a finger at the worst atrocity. What happened in the tiny village in France in 1944 takes a lot of beating.

The Lady Who Won The War
She was the pretty seventh daughter of a Warehouse Man in Camberwell but she grew up to give Winston Churchill a cheque for £1,500,000 and expected a kiss for it. Sadly Winnie declined and offered her a cup of tea.

The Writings of Ingrid Pitt