The Writings of Ingrid Pitt

A Collection of Writings

Ingrid Pitt on Flying and Aviation

Ingrid loved the freedom of flying.
British Caledonian

British Caledonian

Those Wonderful Flying Machines
There is beauty and there's flying beauty. And there is nothing that flies more beautifully than the Spitfire, the Lancaster and Concorde.

Lidiya Litviak - Russian Fighter Ace
Do women still believe that by burning their bra makes them equal with men? What rubbish. Why would women want to demean themselves? Take Lidiya Litviak, for instance........

Flying with Ingrid Pitt
Who wants an autopilot when Ingrid Pitt is in control?

High Flying Adored
Ingrid maintains that there is a bit of Icarus in us all but, in the 'elf & Safety age, is she really a good role model? Should flying be confined to the simulator?

The Writings of Ingrid Pitt