The Writings of Ingrid Pitt

A Collection of Writings

Ingrid Pitt on Cricket

Ingrid was a great fan of cricket, and penned many articles for The Cricketer.
Ingrid Pitt Cricketer Magazine Logo

Ingrid's logo in her column in the monthly magazine, THE CRICKETER.

England Their England
From Agincourt to cricket on the beach - Ingrid Sees England at its best.

Lunch is Postponed
What has always bugged me is - would I have got the film without Botham's input?

Where Have All The Comptons Gone?
Compton was more than just a Brylcreem Boy, an English Cricketer of note and an Arsenal Footballer. He even had an ailment named after him - The Compton Knee!

The Game's the Thing!
Why can't the media acknowledge that English sportsmen and women win because they are better than the opposition and not because the opposition are crap?

The Writings of Ingrid Pitt