The Writings of Ingrid Pitt

A Collection of Writings

Ingrid Says... Pitt of Horror Website Message

September 2003

I really do feel ashamed of myself. Fancy doubting that our leaders were men of integrity and intelligence. But everything is all right now. I have it on the very best authority. President George W Bush and our very own beloved Prime Minister, Anthony Blair. It is official. The Iraqis love us and the weapons of mass destruction will be found. Maybe before the end of the month, possibly before the end of the decade but certainly before the end of the century. If not it just proves what a duplicitous bounder Saddam Hussein is - or was. We are also winning the war against Terrorism and any one who doubts that could find themselves awakened in the early dawn for a chat in a locked room. Furthermore I absolutely condemn the cartoonist who has Dick Cheney suggesting to Bush that the best way to straighten things out in Iraq would be to give them the American Constitution as a basis for Government. Bush replies. "Sure. Might as well. We're not using it."

Lighter things. After a brilliant Summer and what looks like being an equally brilliant Autumn, the Jeremiahs are out prophesying an Arctic Winter. At least in Britain. Why is it that we are constantly being told that global warming, unstable weather patterns, general immorality and over fishing in the North Sea herald the end of the world. Hasn't anyone heard? The world is a dangerous, constantly changing place. If you want to blame some interesting weather on Global Warming you can't say that this is the hottest Summer since 1976 or the coldest Winter since 1947. Or was global warming already in place then and we just hadn't named it? And what about the seventeenth Century when the winters were so cold that skating on the frozen Thames was an annual activity? Immorality is always there, Just that it is very fashionable so changes with the times and geography. Sleeping with the guests is considered an act of charity in an igloo in the frozen north. Who gains from the act of charity is debatable. Is it the husband who loses the services of his rancid, whale blubber covered wife or the guest who can appreciate the warmth of her body? A ban on fishing altogether in the North Sea might solve that problem at least.

INFINITELY BETTER is an autograph company that operates out of Swindon. It may not sound like a great place to have this sort of business but they are endorsed by Autographs Ink of Newcastle, the company which won the coveted title of UACC Dealer of the Year 2003. Infinitely Better is run by Steve Goss and can be found in the Brunel Shopping Centre. I was down there to sign autographs. A lot of autographs were signed but even better was the good time had by all. Steve has a policy which seems to work. None of his staff are sales people per se. They are enthusiasts first and foremost. So if you want to be sure that the autograph you get is genuine or you just need a fellow enthusiast to talk to, its a good stopping off spot.

As the year winds down I get to do a bit of travelling which is nice as I seemed to have spent most of the Summer in the swimming pool. In October I visit Salem Massachusetts for a Ball commemorating the 200 anniversary of the Salem Witch Trials. I haven't read my part yet but I've been told I'm only wanted for the one night. Then I move on to the Chiller Theatre in New Jersey for what I think is my tenth visit. Chiller is the top venue in north America for Fantasy fans. The boss of Chiller, the hirsute Kevin Clement is expecting a magnificent turn out for Hallowe'en. Kevin has now taken over the long running Fangoria show. Then it's back to England and Memorabilia at the NEC in Birmingham for the 29-30th November. Always a fantastic turnout and a great show.

Before the American trip there will be the 7th Annual Fan Club Reunion & Birthday Bash at the Polish Centre in Hammersmith, London on Saturday 22nd. November. We get fans from all over the world for this and always offer a top line-up of fascinating guests. Tickets are £35 for members and £40 for non-members. That includes scrumptious food, wine, dancing and live entertainment. The do was mentioned in the prestigious TIMES newspaper recently in an article about the imminent re emergence of Hammer Films. They said that the Reunion was a symbol of the Film company's continuing popularity. Can you afford to miss it?

Speaking of which: I'm still waiting for a deluge of anecdotes and unpublished photographs from anyone who has anything to do with the Queen's Award winning company, HAMMER FILMS. I've been contracted by Hammer to write a book about the company from 1935 right up to the present time. It's to be called THE HAMMER XPERIENCE. As you know there have been hundreds of worthy books written about the company. When anyone writes a book they always swear it will be different and break new ground. The trouble with Hammer is that, because it is so popular, all the archive pictures and stories have been done to death. I want something different. For instance. Don Stannard was Hammer's Dick Barton - Special Agent. After his last outing as the character in DICK BARTON STRIKES BACK (1948) he attended a garden party at Bray Studios. As he was leaving his car went out of control and he was killed in the resulting crash. There must have been pictures taken at that party but I've never seen them. 'Buddy' pictures with arms wrapped around the stars are also something I could use. Especially if they have a little story connected with them. Also if you know anybody who was connected with the company but has got out of touch. I would love to hear from them. So please, please, please sort through those old photo albums and attic trunks and let me know what you can come up with. All contributions, anecdotal or graphic will be acknowledged in the book.

Just to get a taster you will find the third part of the Hammer Story elsewhere on the site. This gives you a rough idea of the ground to be covered in the book but of course THE HAMMER XPERIENCE will be much more personal and will give background to the films and characters that made the studio great.

So - if you'll excuse me - I'm off to chop up my soap box and store it with the fuel for the Arctic Winter.

The Writings of Ingrid Pitt