Hey, what about that? HAMMER back in business! It's been on the books for a long time, but I was beginning to despair of it ever happening.
Larry Chrisfield, the new Hammer Managing Director told me it was going to happen when I had lunch with him last Summer. As the months went by I became decidedly cynical. I'd heard it all before. Hammer revival promises were more numerous than news that the Dome was a success. I guess Larry must have sensed my cynicism - he rang up when the coup was announced and said ‘brrrrrrh’ (is that how you blow a raspberry on a website?) It really is a coup.
Larry has got together as high-kicking a bunch of blokes as you are likely to find sitting around a board room table in the Moulin Rouge. There's Rob Dickins, the former Chairman of Warner Brothers, Neil Mendoza chief executive of a number of entertainment based companies, Charles Saatchi the advertising mogul, and William Sieghart, Chairman of Forward Publishing and Brilliant Books.
They will be deserting the Hammer offices at Elstree and starting up afresh in New Cavendish Street in the heart of the West End of London. Roy Skeggs, who has been with the company since the early ‘60’s will be taking a back seat, although he will be on hand to help out should his input be required.
I'm going to tell you this, although maybe I shouldn't - but who's going to get a bigger thrill out of it than me? In the press hand out that accompanied the news there was this little bit which I am having blown up into six foot letters and hung from my apartment building. I quote and highlight: ‘These and many others were graced by the presence of Hammer's greatest stars, including Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Ingrid Pitt’. Be still my tremulous heart.
The Second Dracula Congress in Bucharest draws ever closer. I'm told the take up has been more than satisfactory so far. I'm not sure what that means, but I suppose it means that if you want to get on the tour or into the Congress, it is digit removing time. You can bone up on what's what elsewhere on this site. If you want your info straight from Drac Castle, the number to call is Tel/Fax +40 1 231 4022 or +40 1 674 5742. And if you are just a little old fashioned guy at heart, you can lick the envelope and send it to Company of Mysterious Journeys, 2. Expozitel Bd., Romania ABN-AMRO. I just hope the mysterious bit doesn't mean they are taking me as a guide.
Had a bit of a frisson a couple of days ago. I was reading all this ‘ere stuff about Existentialism. Basically I think it means that all you out there are just freaky extensions of my imagination. Well it keeps on happening to me. Last year everyone kept asking me about this tour I was leading to darkest Transylvania. I knew nothing about it. This year I'm asked to do just that. Then I'm researching my latest book called the Bedside Companion for Murdering Monsters (that's just a hint in case you want to buy your significant other a birthday present or want something solid to hand to beat said S.O. about the head with), when I come across this murdering monster from Wisconsin - ED GEIN.
Just what I needed, an unknown serial killer with a twist. Laboriously I churn out a few thousands words and sit back with a smile of satisfaction for a job well gone. I reach for my copy of SHIVERS and what do I find? A movie of ED GEIN’s slaughtering lifestyle is already on the set. See what I mean? I think about it, it happens. Just to prove it, I have predicted that on the 14th. February I will win on the Lottery. How's that for confidence? Hang on, what's that bloke in a white coat staring up at my window for?
And while you're here, why don't you have a browse round thye site? A few nice little earners (for me) going cheap - or should that be cheep. Then, of course there is the FAN CLUB. But I'll not be a pushy broad or I'll get Emma on my case again.
Lay back and think of Hammer on the rampage again and try to find a suitable sofa to hide behind.