I've always considered myself a lady of leisure - if you will excuse the word 'leisure'. So why is it I seem to be continually busting a gut to keep the huevos and French fries on the mesa? It all stems back to that BBC programme I did a couple of years ago called 'Hard Talk'. Up until then it was all a stroll in the park. Then the BBC picked up on it and I found myself in Argentina trying to remember what it was like when I lived there twenty odd years ago. The old memory wasn't functioning too well and we kept arriving at places that weren't there - if you get my drift. I kept saying, “When I came here in 1976..........”, I felt a right Charlotte.
'Sentimental Journey' got me a commission for my autobiography, 'Life's A Scream'. Hated the idea of it to begin with but once my palm was crossed with 30 pieces of silver, I knew exactly how Judas felt and agreed to get writing. A bad move. I had forgotten what a shitty childhood I had, but going through all the old diaries and trawling through my memory reminded me. And I finished up in the hospital. Just as I was recovering I had to record the audio book. In many ways this was worse.
I feel better now. I just wanted to unload all my dross into your life. But the good news is that the new book, 'The Bedside Companion for Ghost Hunters' is still scheduled for a Halloween launch. I will be parading it at Wembley for the Collect '99 convention on the 16 & 17th October, then again on 24th October for Forbidden Planet. Then I'm off to New Jersey to put it about for the Americans. The Ghost Hunters I mean. To complete the trilogy,' Bedside Companion for Vampire Lovers' and 'Ghost Hunters', will be 'The Bedside Companion of Ghastly Ghouls' - due out next year.
While I've been doing all this, what happens? After a drought of 10 years duration, I get a precipitation that Noah couldn't have dealt with efficiently. FOUR, yes FOUR films. 'Green Fingers' is in the can and about to be released. 'The Asylum' is in the last throes of production even as I write, 'Dracula Who....?' has been bought by Richmond Films helmed by Gary Kurtz of Star Wars fame and BAFTA Award winning Sandy Hastie. Also in the offing is a fabulous film noir written by the writer of 'The Asylum', John Stewart, called 'The Block'.
On the debit side, The Retreat has had to be abandoned. All my fault. I thought I knew what I was getting into but the way things panned out we got to a position where there was nothing else to do but pull the plug. I'm still determined to do it, but next time I'll take more time studying the small print.
So if you are disappointed at not being able to join me at The Retreat, how about my Birthday Party and Annual Fan Club Reunion on the 20th. November. The venue will be somewhere in the London area. Last year's Bash is fondly remembered by all who attended - although what actually happened may be a little vague, and we are waiting to see if we can get the same venue again this year. Watch this spot for an update.
Did I tell you that my daughter, Steffi, is the leading lady in The Asylum? I play a crazy old mystic who used to be a brain surgeon until she messed with self inflicted lobotomy and went ga-ga. Steffi walked straight out of the studio on the last day of shooting, stepped into her car and high-tailed it for Venice. I was a little more circumspect and caught a plane. Old age does that for you. Reason for the emigration south was Steffi was due there for a wedding - hers! I must say it was magic. Ancient church, shiny gondolas, 600 hundred church bells ringing - the lot. If you want a venue for a wedding where you know it will really count, it's got to be Venice.
What do you think of the new clips on the website? O.K - don't fall out of your rocking chair with excitement - I think they're great. I had to squeeze recording them in between filming, wedding, a trip to Washington for the Monster Rally and starting the new book - and I'm a woman and it's a well known fact that we of the weaker sex only have a small brain. If I could just think what I could do with the broom. Please don't tell me.
There are still three months to go, but I'm building up to a big Christmas, all dancing, all singing, donkey rides in the foyer after the show, extravaganza. There is even a move afoot to get a duet going between the old Pinhead, Doug Bradley and myself. Gary Wilson, the stalwart who persuaded Christopher Lee to go on record with 'I Was Born Under a Wandering Star' likes the idea of us two old monsters getting it together. Has disaster ever been greeted with such optimism? We're still looking for a song that would be suitable for us both. Suggestions in a plain brown paper bag.
To anyone reading this who hasn't received their Summer Newsletter or Catalogue yet, you can, with my permission, blame it on Simon. Simon claims to be my secretary. I won't say more. What has happened is that Simon has gone all up-market and wants to produce a colour catalogue and Newsletter. At least the covers. And he was going to produce it all on his brand new computer.
Trouble is that Simon is more at home with a crystal set and an abacus than a hi-tech computer. He even has trouble working the answering machine. But he plugged ahead and the poor printers had to keep sending it back because he had cocked it up. Then the poor printers had a dawn raid by the Bailiff's men and all Simon's work, plus my money, were seized to pay the poor printers debts. Now the only one that is poor is poor old me! However, thank God, you exclaim, she's winding down, I can confidently confirm that the makeshift Newsletter now on offer will be followed at Christmas with an edition that Sothebys will be offering a premium on. Simon Says!
I was invited to the Monster Rally in Crystal City by one Jeffrey Roberts. He is bringing out a horror related magazine called IT'S ALIVE. The new magazine is related to the old Famous Monsters of Filmland. The connection is through Forry Ackerman. Forry is Jeffers partner in the new venture. I was there to pout and mince as much as my aging sinews could muster. I, naturally, refuse to reprise the bath scene from Vampire Lovers with Forry taking the Maddy Smith role. But I must say he was up for it and very disappointed when I wouldn't play my part.
It all became fairly academic after that as the mag wasn't ready, so I just lardied about and chatted to all the fantastic celebs that had come for the show. They included, CHRISTOPHER LEE, JANE ADAMS from HOUSE OF DRACULA, sexy ANNE FRANCIS who played Altaira in Forbidden Planet, another planet hopper LINDA HARRISON, from Planet of the Apes, the font from which all animation flows. RAY HARRYHAUSEN, ED KEMMER who played BUZZ COREY in Space Patrol (and was the role model for Buzz Lightyear), everyone's favourite Hammerite, MICHAEL RIPPER, the ever youthful YUTTE STENSGAARD from Lust for a Vampire, VERONICA CARLSON and many more.
If you are around New Jersey, Secaucaus, over the Halloween weekend, drop in and see me at the ChillerCon. And bring your mum.
Ingrid Pitt