The Writings of Ingrid Pitt

A Collection of Writings

INGRIDPITT.NET Cookie Information

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This site, like most others, uses small files called 'cookies' to help customise your experience. A cookie is a small text file which is placed on your computer or mobile device. Websites are able to read and write these files.

Cookies perform a number of functions, including enabling web applications to respond to you as an individual by recognising your preferences, and assisting in the analysis of web traffic.

Each web domain can only access cookies set by that specific web domain. However, most web pages contain elements from multiple web domains, so when you visit this site, your browser may receive cookies from several sources - from this website, and from third-party websites.

Generally speaking, we use cookies to enable web applications to tailor their operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We also use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to better meet visitor needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes, and no personally identifiable data is collected.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, and enable us to monitor which pages visitors find useful and which they do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

By using our Website, you agree that we can place cookies on your device. Information about managing cookies may be found below.

Types of Cookies and Consent Required

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has devised a system of classification for cookies. There are four categories and a different level of consent is required from users to receive each type of cookie.

  1. Strictly Necessary Cookies - no consent required
  2. Performance Cookies - consent via site terms and conditions or when user changes site settings
  3. Functionality Cookies - consent when user changes site settings or via site terms and conditions
  4. Targeting or Advertising Cookies - clear informed consent must be given

Cookies Used By This Website

Cookie Cookie Name Lifetime ICC Classification Description / Purpose How to Block Source Pages Present
Settings Cookie cookieconsent_dismissed 1 Year Functionality Remembers your acceptance of cookies. You can disable cookies directly within your browser. All pages.
Session Cookie PHPSESSID Session Functionality Enables contact forms to function correctly and efficiently. You can disable cookies directly within your browser. Contact forms.
Google Analytics _ga 2 Years Performance & Targeting or Advertising This cookie is used to measure visitor behaviour and usage patterns, such as the time spent on site, number of visits or what pages were viewed during a visit.

All information is anonymous and reports always show aggregate, not individual data.
Google offers an opt-out browser add-on for most modern web browsers.

You can also disable cookies directly within your browser. All pages.
Google Analytics _gat 10 minutes approx. Performance & Targeting or Advertising This cookie is used to measure visitor behaviour and usage patterns, such as the time spent on site, number of visits or what pages were viewed during a visit.

All information is anonymous and reports always show aggregate, not individual data.
Google offers an opt-out browser add-on for most modern web browsers.

You can also disable cookies directly within your browser. All pages.
Google AdSense _drt_ 12-24 Hours Targeting or Advertising Remembers which adverts you have seen to enable future delivery of adverts that may be of most interest to you. You can download an advertising cookie opt-out plugin from Google. This will stop any further cookies being served to your browser from this third party.

You can also disable cookies directly within your browser. All pages.

Cookies set by third parties may change over time, and any listed here were in use at the time this cookie audit was published. To see the cookies currently in use on this, or any website, search for "cookie audit" or "cookie audit websites". These sites can provide an audit of all cookies in use on a website. Some of these services are free, while others may charge a fee or require you to sign up for an account.

Managing Cookies

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. Blocking cookies set by websites you visit will stop the site from working correctly in most cases, while blocking third party cookies may degrade your overall experience of the web.

Cookie settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the 'Help' option in your browser for more details.

Web browsers also give you the option to delete cookies that have already been set, usually by accessing the list of cookies stored by the browser, and searching for the domain whose cookies you wish to delete.

In the case of cookies stored on your machine by third parties when you use our website, please note that we have no control over these cookies, or how the third parties use them. Some are used to allow the third party to provide a service to us - providing digital maps, embedded video, social networking interaction, or anonymous data analysis, for example.

If you want to reject third party cookies, you could visit the relevant third party's website directly to manage cookies placed on your machine by them. You may also be able to modify your browser settings to decline third party cookies.

If you want to reject interest-based advertising cookies placed on your computer or device, you can opt-out of receiving these cookies at any time by going to the Internet Advertising Bureau website at and following the opt-out instructions for the advertiser concerned.

The EU e-Privacy Directive

We are constantly reviewing our use of cookies and our compliance with the EU e-Privacy Directive in line with guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office.

This cookie information is effective from 22nd May 2012 (revised 29th July 2015).

The Writings of Ingrid Pitt